Forgotten,But not gone
Kwan-Young Kim Solo Exhbition
16 September - 20 October, 2022
Kim Kwan Young's 2022 solo exhibition <Forgotten but Not Gone> is an exhibition of various attempts that have not been shown before as part of <The Memories of the Unconscious>.
Kim Kwan Young's work <The Memories of the Unconscious> is a project that harmonizes the artist's sophisticated technique with brilliant colors. As part of exploring the artist's introspection on the unconscious, this project was planned up to the 1000th work, and is currently working on the 700th. The work is an abstract art that is not bound by free composition and form, and contains the artist's representation using points, lines, and planes in the vast unconscious world that transcends time and space.
Kim Kwan Young, who has exhibited mainly at overseas art market, will hold a solo exhibition in Korea after a long time. This exhibition mainly attempts to distract the attention of the artist, who has stayed only in the center. By leaving the center blank, the sense of space is preserved and the subject forms are dispersed around the periphery to allow a more focused view of the work.Not only that, it captures the memories lost in the unconscious that the artist wanted to find while carrying out the project, as well as the artist's feelings. The belief that a memory is
forgotten over time, but does not disappear unless the soul changes is fully reflected in this exhibition.
The world of the unconscious presented by Kim Kwan Young is the color itself, and this exhibition can be seen as a feast of various mediums. The visual effects and colorful appreciation points of each material are the elements that enrich this solo exhibition. Starting with this exhibition, it is expected that the artist's continuous research and reflection will be able to complete <The Memories of the Unconscious> with perfection until the project is completed.

Q. It has been a long time since you held an exhibition in Korea. Please say hello to your Korean fans.
A.Hello, it's been a while since I've met you. I am very happy to open this solo exhibition in Korea. I sincerely thank all of my fans of Memories of the Unconscious>.
Q.What kind of exhibition is this solo exhibition?
A. As you can see from the title of this exhibition, is an exhibition that I tried to capture the contents that I have not been able to include. This is the title that came to my mind while I was doing exhibitions abroad, communicating with many people, and thinking about words that could encompass my work.
Q. Do you remember the moment you first started Memories of the Unconscious>?
A. The moment I first started makes me think a lot. I started with the anticipation that I might be able to look inside myself and find answers through this work. I vaguely set it to 1000 pieces and started, but it has already reached 700 pieces. It's been a while, but I don't know how much I found the answer.
Q. May I ask what exactly you are looking for?
A. I am observing how much of what I experience and remember remains and how much disappears. I wonder if I will be able to feel the emotions I felt today, tomorrow. However, I want to live the emotions contained in it, rather than simply classifying it as feeling and not feeling in a binary way. I am hoping that someday I will be able to get an answer from the project.
Q. What does memories mean to you?
A. This is a difficult question. It seems to me that memory is something that I can't get no matter how hard I try. In order to protect something too precious, don't you hide it? However, memories are not easily hidden, and even if they are hidden, they may not be remembered again.
Q. In what form do you express the memories in your work?
A. In my work, memory is made up of several points or lines and sides. They are intertwined, appearing as a single mass, and each form stands out. The images of memories that I see have an independent shape, which is sometimes hidden or highlighted. It is constantly changing, connecting and falling apart.
Q. The colors stand out. What is color to you?
A. First of all, I like visually beautiful colors. So, the materials I use are also made by myself. By using several colors, I am making the most suitable color scheme. Fortunately, many people comment on the color and like it.
Q.I am curious about the work process. What inspiration do you work with?
A. First of all, I make a sketch. I finish my work to some extent through sketching and start in earnest on the canvas. The color depends on the situation at the time, but I plan it in my head prior to my work. Also, through various experiments, I have found materials and tools that are suitable for me. So, I work by creating the environment that I am most familiar with and where I can focus.
Inspiration does not come to mind. However, I am interested in the human brain, its structure, and its role.
Q. Lastly, is there anything you would like to say through this exhibition?
A. In my previous works, I have been concentrating on myself, but this time I tried to do work that more people can relate to. I also tried new mediums. I hope that people will be able to take a deep look into themselves while looking at my work.
Public time: TUE - SAT 2pm - 5pm
Advance reservation: TUE - SUN 11am - 7pm
Admission: Free