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Vanessa Su



She graduated from Seoul Arts High School and majored in Western painting and sculpture at Ewha Womans University. She pays close attention to the small presences around her, observing values that may seem to shine brightly, like dust, or appear incompatible. Believing in Heisenberg's 'Uncertainty Principle,' she thinks that a painting or scene may face a completely different aspect depending on the viewer's gaze. As one delves into the artist's works, she insists that there was never a clear endpoint, and the moments leading to that endpoint exist at every instance. The world of starlight 'dust' unfolded by the artist can be found here.

「光是時間,色彩是空間。」Vanessa Su是一位將繪畫視為超越單純再現、提煉當下本質的行為的藝術家。對她來說,繪畫是一種感覺,她專注於捕捉力量而不是創造形式,這種方式反映了她希望感知關係和基本存在價值的思想。她使用層層疊加的油畫技法將短暫的記憶轉化為思索後的風景,將光線轉移到畫布上,超越簡單描繪的重現,促使觀眾思考生活和認知的短暫本質。

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